Strategic partnering

Sustained success in business
comes not from superhuman effort or super genius,
but from building and running an organisation
that does extraordinary things
with ordinary people.

—John Walker, “The Autodesk File”


We start by listening. What is important to you? What requirements and regulations do you have? How do you do your work? What do you wish you could do faster or better?


To our listening we add our ability to learn quickly the key terms and concepts of diverse fields.

We have experience in nonprofit management, construction, agriculture, municipal purchasing, point-of-sale technology, nuclear pharmacies, public schools, theology and catechism, Internet auctions, and many other areas.

We also use our knowledge of common business processes: marketing, planning, communication, analysis and decision-making, customer relations management, and bookkeeping.

We put this information together to understand your organization, including the general environment in which you operate and your specific situation.


After listening and understanding, we suggest ways to improve your organization—to be more efficient, grow, make technology work better for you, or whatever your goal is.

We can also help you make the changes we suggest, if you wish.

Our goal is to solve the existing issue and move on to the next opportunity. We want to build your capacity to make your organization the best it can be.

Next: Technology